
It's a ...

....................GIRL!!! Somehow Jacob and I both knew it, but what a sweet and exciting thing for us! We couldn't be more happy. We are so thankful that our baby girl looks healthy and perfect! What an exciting day for both of our moms as well...they got to experience finding out with us!

tiny foot...

We didn't get a great picture of her pretty profile, but we enjoyed seeing her keep her fist up by her face most of the time, and open and close her mouth like she was laughing at us! How fun...we are just extremely THANKFUL to our Lord who has given this child to us. We are continually amazed by His blessings and faithfulness. We are praying for the wisdom to be the parents God wants us to be!

Plus the doctor also is putting me at 21 weeks and 2 days...a full week ahead...so May 1st is baby girl's due date!

Next step...decide on a NAME! What a huge decision...

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.  Jeremiah 1:5


20 weeks - HALFWAY...big day tomorrow

How many weeks? 20.  Baby is about 6.5 inches long (head to rump), 10 inches (head to heel), and weighs about 8.5oz, as long as a banana! We are half way there! That's a pretty great feeling!

How am I feeling?  GREAT! Sleep is getting harder, I'm waking up more and having to pee all the time...
Doctor’s Appointment? TOMORROW! There will be a post hopefully later this week or early next to let you know the sex of baby M.
Weight Gain?  According to babycenter.com I should have already gained 10 pounds and should expect to gain a pound every week until the baby comes. OMG! Well, I don't think I've gained 10 pounds yet, but we will see tomorrow!
Baby Preparation? I think we'll start in January! Got some ideas though!
Likes/Dislikes?  Like sweets still, and it's just funny how when something sounds good, I want to eat it right then. This past weekend, all I wanted was movie popcorn...we weren't impressed with the movies out, so we sat at home, rented a movie, and had microwave popcorn for dinner...then Jacob took me out for ice cream afterwards...this is very out of the ordinary for my husband! He's being pretty amazing during the pregnancy so far ;)


19 week update

How many weeks? 19.  Baby is about 6 inches long (head to rump) and weighs about 8.5oz. (I do recognize the fact that my ticker at the top thinks baby is bigger at 10 1/2 oz...must be based on the extra days? I do know that baby is about to hit a huge growth spurt!), about the size of an heirloom tomato! His or her sensory development is exploding! The brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research even says that baby may be able to hear my voice now...so cool!

How am I feeling?  Still feeling pretty good! I am really feeling the baby moving more and more everyday. I love the little flutters and can't wait for more!
Doctor’s Appointment? We go back to the doctor on the 21st/ 20 weeks to find out if baby is a boy or girl and to get a full body scan where they check to make sure every part is there and healthy! Jacob and I both are thinking GIRL...what do you all think?
Weight Gain?  I've had to gain something...I like to eat again ;) And the belly is there, although I am pretty happy that it hasn't taken over just yet!
Baby Preparation? I think we'll start in January! Got some ideas though!
Likes/Dislikes?  I really am disliking tomato sauce. I guess it's too acidic and causes the worst indigestion ever! I love CHOCOLATE COKE FLOATS with caffeine free coke, of course!

I would love to hear any of your thoughts on what baby M is gonna be! My homegroup right now is 1/3- GIRL and 2/3-BOY! Interesting!


18 week update

So I'm going to try and attempt to keep this questionnaire up weekly throughout the pregnancy. I can't promise pictures every week. I'm having a hard time getting those done, but maybe every few weeks I will post a picture of the growing tummy/baby!

How many weeks? 18.  Baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and weighs about 7oz., about the size of a bell pepper!

How am I feeling?  I am feeling great! So happy to just be here with this sweet baby growing and growing in my tummy!
Doctor’s Appointment? We go back to the doctor on the 21st/ 20 weeks to find out if baby is a boy or girl and to get a full body scan where they check to make sure every part is there and healthy!
Weight Gain?  Well, I don't weigh myself at home, I don't even own a scale. I probably should though. But according to my last doctor visit I was still down 4 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight, after all the nausea and vomiting the first 3 months. I'm pretty sure now I have gained that back, but we will see in less than 2 weeks.
Baby Preparation?  Absolutely nothing. I think once we know if Baby McFarland is going to be a boy or a girl it will be sinking in and my to-do list will start to grow. So far we've been pretty hesitant and cautious with our plans.
Likes/Dislikes?  My normal appetite is pretty much back, except I’m wanting more carbs and dessert lately.  Oh well, what baby wants, baby gets, right?