

Hi all, so sorry to have neglected the blog for a while, but I have a pretty good excuse! Most of you are already well aware, but for those who aren't, Jacob and I are expecting again. It has been a huge blessing, but also a time for me to be very hesitant because of my previous experience. I trust that the Lord is taking very good care of the baby growing in my tummy, but that doesn't stop me from being hesitant or extra careful of my feelings and heart.

Currently we are 15 weeks along! WhooHoo! The first 12 weeks were pretty bad with lots of nausea and vomiting. I even lost weight during that time, but I hope I start to gain the right weight and show soon! So far, the only picture we have is an 8 week blurry picture of the little bean, but last Thursday I unexpectedly got admitted into the ER with kidney stones, and since we had to make sure the baby was ok, we got to see him. (My dad called the baby him, even though we couldn't tell and won't know for sure for another 4 weeks, so I'll call the baby him too!) The baby was wonderful! I unfortunately didn't get to bring home any pics, but what we (my mom, dad, and me) saw was amazing. It brought tears to my eyes! I wish Jacob would have gotten to see it, but he was in Midland while I was sick here. My kidneys are feeling better, but that was an awful amount of pain that really freaked me out!

I go to the doctor next week for a doppler, and then as a great Christmas present we will get a sonogram and find out if we are having a boy or girl! I can't wait! I'm sure I will stay busy with Thanksgiving and all the Christmas shopping I have to do! Also, I will try to stay more updated on the blog, and post some pics here and there!


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