
9 Month Update

We went to see Dr. G today and had our 9 month check-up and just 1 shot! C did wonderful, of course.

Campbell Grace weighs 19 pounds and 7 ounces (50-75%) and is 29 inches tall (97%). We have a long, lean girl, which is making her harder to dress, meaning she needs most 9-12 month outfits, but they are too big around the waist. I'm afraid she will have this problem for many years to come. Maybe I should create a clothing line for long and lean babies ;)

Dr. G also said she should be getting her top teeth in anytime now. He could see them ready to break through the gums. Oh joy! I don't know if I'm ready for those few rough days (meaning, she will be waking up at night and just be fussy most of the day)!

Campbell is, like I already posted, EVERYWHERE! Today, she decided when she would pull herself up to a stand, she would just let go and stand there for a while without falling! She did it quite often today and you could tell she was loving it! She had the biggest grin on her face when I asked her if she was standing all by herself!

C is still in size 3 diapers and 9-12 month clothes, unless it's Gap or Old Navy which is just 6-12mo.
I have been trying to put her in shoes, she's pretty much in size 3 depending on brand. I love her pair of Pedipeds!

She is starting to eat more and more stage 3 solid foods. Dr. G said to start feeding her whatever we are. So tonight she had some cornbread along with chicken, black beans, and hominy. She didn't do too bad, but wanted her normal meal of pureed food. She will probably get better once those top teeth come in!

I just CANNOT believe that it has been 9 months since this girl was born. I am thoroughly in love!

Enjoy the pics of my girl. I love her many faces :)
Oh and taking these monthly pics is getting harder and harder. This month was the hardest by far. She does NOT want to sit still. And she thinks she needs to reach and touch the camera as some of the pics show!

Thank you sweet girl for the best 9 months of your Mommy and Daddy's lives.
Look how long her hair is: ponytail time!

Campbell loves Duke!


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