
Callan Blair - 9 MONTHS

Dang...the month has flown. I am crazy busy these days with a movin' little baby on my hands! She is officially mobile. She has mastered the army crawl, starting to do the real crawl, and had rolling everywhere down for months now.

Callan Blair, you are my chubby, sweet, challenging baby! You keep me on my toes. You don't want to let me out of your sight. You cry hysterically if I hand you to anyone else, or turn my back on you even if it's for a few short seconds.

You are sick, yet again. It breaks my heart to see you this way. Lots of cuddling has been happening lately!

Like I said before, you are crawling! You aren't super fast yet, but you can get anywhere you want to go. You are also easily going from laying down to sitting on your own now. You are pulling up on things over the past couple days. Your crib will be lowered this month I'm afraid.

You like to clap and dance to music. You also relax when I sing to you which is special for me!

You still just have your 1 bottom tooth. But that hasn't stopped you from eating anything you want. You are kind of over baby food these days! You love big people food. This is coming with a challenge for me to find the right options for you where baby food is quite convenient. You love bananas and pears. I also recently just fed you vegetable beef soup that I made for dinner and you LOVED it! You will eat noodles, fries, puffs, mum mums, really, almost anything I put in front of you.

We went to the doctor yesterday, and you freaked when you saw Dr. G with that stethoscope. We've been there a little too much lately. But luckily the antibiotics are working and your ears look good! 

You weigh: 21lbs 1 oz (88%) and you are 29 inches long (91%)!

You are sleeping really well! Usually 11-12 hours at night unless you're sick, but still, so much better than the first 7 months of your life! 

It's hard to believe in 3 short months you will be a year old! But you are so much fun right now! Your smile just melts my heart, and I want to remember that gummy smile...with 1 lonely bottom tooth. You are pretty cuddly, especially with me! I'm trying to remember to soak it all in, because most of the time I want to hurry it up, and it will be over before I know it. The saying that the days are long, but the years are short are really hitting home with me these days. 

I love you sweet baby girl! You are the best addition to this family I could have ever asked for! 

Big sister wanted her picture taken too :)

And here you can see that pout she puts on...


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