Where has the time gone that my first-born is 3 years old now? We had a fun weekend celebrating her birthday with lots of friends and family, and then yesterday, I got to spend some one-on-one time with her with a trip to the Sealife Aquarium, lunch, and shopping!
A little bit about Campbell Grace:
She weighs 32 pounds 6 ounces (73%) and is 38.8 inches tall (87%). She is healthy, active, and we are so thankful for this!
Campbell enjoys her friends, especially Liam, and playing at the park! She is always wanting to be outside! She will sit through any movie...she loves to watch them! She is a singer, and dancer...and always asks her daddy to dance with her when one of the singing competition shows is on! She loves her daddy!
Her thing the past month or so has been to stand on the coffee table and announce: "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I present..." it's anything from her sister and her, to every member of her family, to something silly! She has quite the personality.
She is also getting some attitude. This has been a change lately, and I'm not liking it. Throwing fits, and being a little dramatic....I know it's normal for this age, but we don't have to like it!
She is such a good big sister! She always has a smile on her face when she sees Callan every morning! She hugs and kisses Callie, and watches out for her. She also helps me out with her...which makes her seem even bigger than she is!
Campbell loves arts and crafts. She knows her alphabet, numbers, colors, and shapes....She talks like such a big girl....it's hard to believe. She loves to have books read to her before naptime and bedtime! We visit the library frequently!
I know there is so much more, but I'll stop here. I'll end with her yearly questions and answers and photos!
1. What is your favorite color? Pink and purple
2. What is your favorite toy? Kitchen
3. What is your favorite fruit? Apple
4. What is your favorite TV show? Bubble Guppies
5. What is your favorite food for lunch? Chicken noodle soup
6. What is your favorite outfit: Mermaid outfit
7. What is your favorite snack? Gummy bears & goldfish
8. What is your favorite animal? Giraffe
9. What is your favorite song? ABC's
10. What is your favorite book? any of her library books
11. Who is your best friend? Liam
12. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Catch bugs
13. What is your favorite drink? Chocolate milk
14. What is your favorite thing to take with you to bed/anywhere? My blankie
15. What is your favorite breakfast food? Pancakes
16. What is your favorite food for dinner? Mac-n-cheese
17. What is your favorite game/activity? Gymnastics class
18. What is your favorite movie? The Little Mermaid
19. What do you want to be when you grow up? mermaid (haha, can you see a theme forming?)