
Callan Blair - 11 months

So, yes, I'm a few days late on this post...we have had a crazy few days, and daddy is gone, so who has time to sit and blog. I'm making it a priority or it just won't get done. I'm going to also recap Campbell's mermaid birthday party later too.

So Callan turned 11 months on Saturday. We actually had a photo shoot scheduled for her 1st birthday coming up. Aunt Casey couldn't do the pics, but we had a friend of a friend who was gracious enough to do them, and I am soooo excited about them! Can't wait to see the finals!

So Callan is trying to walk so much. She will take 6-10 steps on her own and then fall. We've had many bumps, bruises, and cuts lately, but she is still going for it! She's standing more by herself. Her problem is she gets so excited and just tries to take off going way too fast! Her balance needs work, but she will be there in a few days or weeks!

So with that, she's keeping me sooooo busy! She doesn't want to be held, she wants to be let down to run wild. It can be hard at times, but we are making it!

She is saying hi/bye and waving! She will say hi to get your attention! Cutest thing ever.

She has 3 teeth. That's it so far! But she shows those pearly whites with the best grin!

We are so incredibly loving Callan's personality! She's funny, likes to play games, giggles at her daddy, sister, and Duke. She kind of loves him. Duke could care less, but he's gentle and patient with her and I'm so thankful!

She is starting to play more with her big sister. She could sit and play with the kitchen and play food for hours! I love watching them together. What a blessing to have a sister! I'm thankful for mine!

Callan Blair, you are such a light to our lives! We love you so much!


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