
Don't start expectin' this everyday!

I guess I'm a little excited about the blog, but I don't want ya'll to start expecting to see something everyday. I just had an interesting day at work and wanted to share.

For those of you who don't know, I am a pediatric nurse who is currently in the Cardiac Cath Lab. I work with babies with heart disease and defects. Anyway, it was our last case of the day and this poor baby girl was upset and wouldn't stop coughing. I felt so bad for her because I know how I feel when I have those coughing fits and it just wouldn't stop. On top of having a heart problem she was just sick with rhinovirus. So I picked her up and carried her to the recovery room with the doc and a few other nurses. Usually we don't, but she wouldn't calm down. As I was holding her, I told my best friend, Jessica, that this is why I do what I do and that I miss this part of my job. Just holding and comforting this tiny baby was what made me happy! God knew I needed that today. I miss that interaction that you get when you are a patient's nurse for more than 2-3 hours. Being in a procedural area of the hospital has taken me away from those 12 hour shifts in the ICU of taking care of the same baby for days and I miss it.

I'm pretty sure, for now, that phase of my life is over, because I have such an awesome schedule and it fits with my life now. But I thank God that he was able to give me that moment today when I have been getting a little discouraged.

On a lighter note, I just wanted to post a pic of the loves of my life!

1 comment:

  1. That little girl was there for you and YOU were there to comfort her too. You are special!
