
My girl is 15 Months Old...

My amazing, adventurous, non-stop, bubbly, super sweet girl! You are now 15 months old. The baby stuff is gone. You are such a big girl. You look so much older than you actually are. I am told this all the time. I think it's your hair. You have always looked older because of your long blonde locks. You are beautiful! 

I'm doing this post late, because your doctors appointment was a week later this time. 

You are 23 pounds 13 ounces (50-75%) and 32 1/4 inches tall (97%) You unfortunately got 3 shots today, and let the nurse and momma know how mad it made you. But Dr. G thinks you look great and are so smart! He said you are so sweet! Yes, we already knew that :)

We have had quite a month. You were able to meet your Great Grandma Sharon before she went to meet the Lord. You flew to Pennsylvania and met lots of cousins and aunts and uncles for the first time! You were a hit, but why wouldn't you be?! I'm so glad you are such a people person, and just can go with the flow! You spent over a week out of your own crib/home/routine and rocked it! I'm so grateful! 

You are talking up a storm. Hello, puppy, bubbles, momma, daddy, night night, and bye bye, are your most common words, oh and no no has become a big one too. You understand so much though. You follow commands so well, and you listen to what I say so intently. You try to help momma out by getting her shoes, taking things to the trash, and picking up toys. 

You still love to dance! People at daycare and the church nursery comment on your dancing skills! Cracks me up, seeing as how your daddy and I are not dancers by any means. 

You climb on everything! I know it's just part of it, but seriously girl, can't you sit still for a minute?

You love Mickey Mouse more and more. You make me laugh. You will bring me the remote and point it to the TV and as soon as Mickey is on you start dancing and singing and clapping. 

I have been much more impressed with your eating. You are on a fruit kick, which is totally ok with me. Milk is your ultimate favorite drink too! 

You are into everything, which can make for some long days of following you around. I can't wait until fall or at least a little cooler weather so we can go back outside and enjoy the park, swings, and wagon rides.

You are definitely showing some of your sassy side. You can throw mini-tantrums or fits, just preparing us for the future, huh? Fun stuff. 

You have already been moved up to the Toddler II room, just 3 months after moving up to the toddler room from your infant room at daycare. Time is just flying by and you are so smart! All of the other kids are older, but you are doing all of the same things. You have done so well and thrived in this setting! Once again, thankful.

Campbell Grace, you are the love of my life, besides your daddy, and I am so thankful I get to be your momma! 

I love you baby girl!


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