
One Month Old ~ how did we get here already???

Yes, it has been almost a month since I've blogged, and we now have a 1 month old baby girl in our house. This is crazy. You think time flies by with your first child, and then you have a second. My world is a little chaotic and sleep deprived at the moment. I've had a rough few weeks (more on that later), but this last one has been pretty good!

Here are our favorites from the last month. And I'm going to be better about getting my camera out. I have hardly taken any "real" pictures (except for yesterday; below), only ones on my phone that I post to Facebook and Instagram.

I will post Callan's stats after her doctor appointment on Friday, but we definitely have a chunky little thing. She loves to eat...and sleep. And she's got quite the temper when she gets worked up. Even though she's her own unique self, I feel like I'm raising Campbell all over again because they look so much alike. It is the craziest feeling!

Callan is such a sweet baby! Her voice right now consists mostly of lots of grunting, along with her squeaky cries. She is all over the place in her eating and sleeping patterns. She can go 2-3 hours usually, but during the afternoon almost always goes 4 hours after having lots of awake time! She is just like she was in the womb; awake mostly from 7pm to midnight usually. I've had to adjust to staying awake longer. But then we are up two more times during the night/early morning. I'm praying for the night time feedings to spread out soon. She has lots to live up to...her big sister was an amazing sleeper...and still is most nights. We are enjoying this little lady so much and are excited to see what the next month brings!

I feel like I should update on Campbell as well! She is definitely my pride and joy! She cracks me up and tests my patience daily. She is smart and creative. She loves going to "school" and playing with her friends! She sings so well. Everyday I catch her mixing up a few different songs. She "lubs" her whole family and will name each and every person! At home she is constantly wanting to play with play doh and paint. I've been trying to get more creative in our art projects. These days I'm very thankful for her love for movies and cartoons...in my ability to catch a few more minutes of sleep (because she wakes up so darn early) or my constant needing to feed and handle Callan. I try to focus some one on one time with her once I put Callan down for naps. Cami still loves to read books. She also is now in the phase where she asks "why?" after I say anything. Isn't it too early for that? I feel like she's 2 going on 16. She acts so big and old at times, but I have to remind myself she's only 2. She loves having her nails painted and is constantly wanting to put on lip gloss. Such a girly girl. Any dress she puts on is a princess dress! Campbell Grace is taking to her big sister role very well. She has such a kind and loving heart!

She is in love with her daddy and I'm so thankful for their relationship. He makes me sane and is the best daddy. I couldn't do this without him.

We have been so blessed with two amazing girls. We are enjoying this precious time in our lives...even if we are exhausted....this doesn't last for long and we are soaking in every moment!


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