
Callan Blair - 4 Months Old

My sweet girl...4 months old today! You are getting so big and so much fun! You are still pretty dramatic and can get mad so easily, but your smiles and giggles can make that all go away! You are a big girl! Here are your 4 month stats:

Height: 25.8 inches (94%)
Weight: 16lb 11oz (90%)
Size 6-9 month clothes and 2-3 diapers

This last week you mastered rolling over from back to tummy! You have been wanting to be held a lot, especially to nap. I'm trying to enjoy these sweet moments, because they are flying by way too fast!

We got out the baby jumper to give you something else to play in. It is still a little bit big, but we are making it work.

You haven't mastered sleeping through the night, although you've done a little better lately.

You have done fairly well at daycare while Mommy works. You still don't take a bottle well, but you nap pretty good there.

Dr. G said we could start cereal this month. I think we will work on that! Maybe it will help you with some of your reflux and sleeping!

We are so blessed by you miss Callan! Stop getting so big so fast...


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