
Callan Blair- 5 month update

So yesterday was actually the exact 5 month mark and to tell you the truth, it totally snuck up on me. We were at the park with Campbell and something made me look at my phone and notice the date was the 17th. I just can't believe how time is flying by. My baby is getting so big so fast. Makes me sad...

I haven't weighed miss Callan Blair recently. We are easily 17+ pounds. She is pretty long too, but so so chunky! She is wearing 6-9 month clothes, mostly 9 month. Her shoe size is 2, almost about time to move up to a 3. She is wearing size 3 diapers.

Callan has had a rough few weeks of what I think is early teething. She's drooling more, more fussy, waking up in the middle of the night crying (who am I kidding, this is normal for her), and gnawing on her hands. But she has also become more content and happy, if you can imagine that. Her giggles and grins absolutely melt my heart. I love 'em.

She is loving the bouncer. Thankfully, it gives me somewhere else to "put" her to keep her preoccupied and happy for a while. She still rolls from back to tummy. She hasn't cared to roll from tummy to back very often. She is grabbing at toys these days. She has found her feet, but her favorite "toy" is still her hands. And she still loves to blow 'raspberries'. Spit flies everywhere, but it's precious!

She notices Duke now. I caught her watching and smiling at him while he was standing at the back door. She intently watches him walk past her. It's sweet...he on the other hand, could care less about her.

Callan loves her cereal. Oh, I knew this girl could eat, but I bet she will eat anything I put in front of her. Can't wait until the end of this month when I can start her on some more yummy foods. It's hard to believe that I will have a baby eating solid foods very soon!

I know I'm missing something. Hope you enjoy a few of the pics I took this morning. I love this sweet baby so much!

And of course, big sister had to hop in the crib and photobomb! Love these girls with everything in me!


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