

Sorry I have been out of the blog loop for a while. We have been having some long, hard days here at the McFarland household. For the past week and a half, my husband has not come home from work before 8:30.(PM)- meaning he has been working 13+ hour workdays, and even spent an 8 hour day at the office on Saturday. I know this is killing me more than it is him, but Duke and I miss him! Duke has been neglected because I too have been working some later nights.

Last night was one of the harder nights in my career in general, because we had to tell some young parents that their 3 month old baby boy is going to die. My heart just breaks for them, but last night, sitting there and crying with them is all we could do. I hope they know that God is in control and He will take care of them.

I am getting a much needed break on Friday, though. It's my day off, thank goodness, and I hope to rest and re-energize! I'm hoping Jacob will be finished with this craziness soon, and he can enjoy some rest this weekend as well.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is having a better week than we are! I know it will get better...

P.S. I was so thankful for the beautiful sunshine today. Man, did I miss the sunny weather!

1 comment:

  1. I know you are tired and don't like the long days, but I feel like God put YOU there for those parents. To give them comfort and sympathy and just cry with them. I feel so sad for them. And yes, it was great seeing the sunshine again.
