
29 week update!

Wow, time is flying by so fast! We just got back from our BABYMOON/mini-vacation with Casey and Aric! We had a wonderful time. I will try to post some pics of that. I didn't take too many, we just relaxed, ate good food, and enjoyed the scenery and warmth!

How many weeks? 29 and 4 days. This week our baby girl is over 15 inches and weighs over 2 1/2 pounds. She is the size of a butternut squash.

How am I feeling?  I have still been feeling wonderful. I have the occasional aches and pains that go along with pregnancy, but when I'm not throwing up, and I'm happy, that means I'm feeling good! 
Doctor’s Appointment? I actually saw the doctor yesterday for my glucose test. The orange stuff wasn't thaaat bad, but it got worse towards the end. I am waiting to hear how I did, hopefully a PASS, and no worries, that's what we're praying for! Other than that, Dr. B said everything looked perfect. He was happy with my weight gain and said it won't be long now...I also got to hear baby girl's heartbeat again! I love that sound!

Weight Gain?  Ok, I've gained 18 lbs so far...haha, the nurse said everyone has been coming in with more weight gain than usual because of all the snow days and no one getting out to exercise. I definitely did not go out walking the dog or anything in the snow, that is just crazy! I'm hoping it gets warmer to start getting outside a little though, Duke would really appreciate it!
Baby Preparation? I still haven't done near what I should. I want to start painting, but we are having Jacob's family come stay with us in a few weeks, and can't take the bed out of that room yet, so no painting til afterwards. I did pick some samples, so I just have to put them up on the wall and decide! My parents ordered our stroller! It came in last week. Jacob has gotten it mostly put together! I love it so far, hopefully will continue to once she gets here. Here's a pic: 

Likes/Dislikes? Well, I loved seeing the look on my little sister's face as she felt and saw our baby girl move for the first time! It was priceless! This baby is super active right now and I still love it. I am starting to feel more than just kicks here and there. I can tell when her whole body is moving...which is crazy to say the least. 
Everything is giving me heartburn again. Oh well...I told Jacob she better have lots of HAIR ;) We'll see if the old wives tale is true!

I will leave you with some pics of the baby bump that Casey took while we were in Florida! She is so awesome! Thanks sis!

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