
1 Week Old

My sweet Campbell,

It's so hard to believe that you are already 1 week old. It has been the best week of our lives, and I know it will only get better! You are such a good baby. We are so thankful for our healthy and happy baby girl! You bring so much joy into our lives and we have a new found love that both your daddy and I have never experienced. It is truly the best feeling and we are so proud to be your parents. We pray that you will learn to know and believe in Jesus at an early age, and we pray that you will always know how much we love you. You are our sunshine! And we are thankful to God that He redeems. You have an angel brother or sister in heaven looking over you, and we could not be more thankful for our time with you both. You are our rainbow baby and the best, most beautiful gift we could have ever imagined! You are perfect, just like God made you!

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful
- Psalm 139 14

I constantly stare at you and am in awe of you. I pray that I can be the best mommy ever to you. I know we both will fail because our flesh is sinful, but we will put our trust and faith in the Lord to redeem us, save us, and forgive us.

This week we have come to know that:

- You hate having your diaper changed...you scream at the top of your lungs, but when we are done, you are immediately quiet! (Your Grammy says you're like a water faucet, on and off)
- You aren't too fond of your baths either.
- You can go 3-4 hours at night without waking up.
- You are a good eater, unless I eat something that makes your tummy upset, and then you want to cluster feed every 1-2 hours thinking it will make it better.
- You were pulling your head up on day 3 of life. You are such a strong girl!
- You know your mommy and daddy's voices. I love how you look at both of us when we talk to you.
- You definitely love to be talked to. We can't wait until you start talking and cooing back!
- You have the most amazing smile when you sleep, one of these days you will start smiling on your own, and we can't wait!
- You have the most amazing head of hair! Natural highlights like your mommy, lol, well when I was young!
- We love you more and more everyday sweet girl!

We are so blessed to have you baby girl! Your mommy and daddy love you Campbell Grace! Thank you for making me your mommy!

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