
Cami is 8 months old...

To my amazing baby girl...

You are 8 months old! (You turned 8 months on Friday, but since you have been sick, Mommy is just now getting around to writing your update)

You never cease to amaze your Daddy and I. We have loved watching you grow and move and explore this past month. You enjoyed your first Christmas this last month. You also got your 2nd bottom tooth! You have a pretty cute smile ;)

You, my dear, got your first "shiner" at daycare because you think you can do anything and those legs of yours aren't quite on board! You pull up on ANY and EVERYthing and you are a pro at crawling. Your Daddy chases you and you crawl as fast as you can while you just giggle and giggle! You are pretty good in your walker too!

Campbell Grace, you are the best thing that has ever happened to us! We just love this stage you are in. You are especially a Momma's girl!

You are a big girl too! Not sure what percentage, but you weigh almost 20 pounds (it was 19.5 when we weighed you at Nini's house at Christmas). You wear mostly 9-12 month clothes, and size 3 diapers. We keep trying shoes, but you don't keep them on or your socks for that matter.

You are eating most of what we give you. You still aren't the biggest fan of apples, but you love your pears, bananas, squash, and sweet potato. You tolerate most of the green stuff, but make funny faces when we give it to you! You also like a cookie every once in a while!

I know there's so much more, but that's what I can remember right now. I pray you will get over this upper respiratory infection soon. The coughing has been hard on you and me, especially at night.

I hope you always know how much I love you sweet girl!



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