
A Lately Post...

So, yes, I know I have been MIA lately...and I do apologize. We have had lots of fun, exciting things going on here lately, most of all is just seeing baby girl take her first steps and then running with them. She is ALL OVER and wants to WALK to get there! She is getting TOO BIG! We are having so much fun, but also I may be just a tad bit overwhelmed. I feel like I chase her around the entire day and get absolutely nothing done; and I hate that feeling, but I guess that's the life of a first-time mommy!

I need to work on getting better video of her walking, but here are a few snippets from where she started to how she was a few days ago, and even over the last 2 days she has practically started running; or moving those two little feet as fast as she can go! It's pretty darn cute!

(I'm sorry for the bad video. Can't figure out why it shows up like this from my IPhone...)

My next goal is also to get her to talk on video. She is saying mama, daddy (literally, not dada :)), and that's about it...a lot of baba and other baby babble!

Enjoy the pics of Campbell and her first experience with bubbles. And, thanks to Aunt Casey, silly string!

Campbell and Grammy were cracking up! C loved the bubbles!

Naked baby time is the best ;)

This is pretty much all I see of my girl these days, the backside!


1 comment:

  1. Oh that little pony tail makes me wish Harper had hair! So cute!! Love the pic of the two of you watching bubbles
