I've had this written for quite a while, just been sick or busy with other things to get it down. I finally got some more pics off of my camera so I thought it was time for another post :)
to my girl...my 1 year favs:
you are walking! and you run if we chase you!
i love rocking you to sleep (occasionally at nap time).
you are so social! you smile and "talk" to everyone.
you enjoy most kinds of food. but you do have favorites and will eat all of them first (like your banana, breads, and all kinds of meat).
you are saying daddy, mama, bye bye (occasionally) and night night, and i may have heard ball the other day!
you point at EVERYTHING! so smart :)
you definitely love duke and love bringing his toys to him to play tug of war!
you have the 2 bottom teeth and the 2 top teeth, such a sweet smile!
you have been cheesing lately with your smile, it's pretty cute, you just tuck your chin to the side next to your shoulder...oh our hearts just melt!
you love swinging in your swing.
you love when we chase you (especially daddy)... we usually get some big laughs!
your giggle is one of the sweetest sounds i've ever heard...
mickey mouse is your favorite!
you are such a cute little dancer and like to stomp your feet and sway when you hear music!
you like to figure things out and it's fun to watch you and try and see what your thought process is.
you are so good in the car.
bath time is a constant in your evening routine and i love that it is so comforting for you!
you stick your tongue out when you are concentrated on something (like your Grammy).
we are seeing some Holladay temper from you, but what else should we expect?
you are my sunshine and you make me so happy!
you are the sweetest girl and full of so much love and joy!
Oh how we love you baby girl and are thrilled to see what the next year holds for us! I can't believe what a big girl you already are...