
Campbell's Rainbow Birthday Party

Beware of the picture overload to come! Just a little update on my ONE YEAR OLD!!!
She is 21lb 3oz (50-75%) and 30.8 inches (97%)! She is wearing all the same stuff as last month! She is just an absolute JOY and we had a blast celebrating her birthday with tons of family and friends! What a blessing you all are! Thank you for making her day so special.

For all of you who wondered why I chose the rainbow theme for her first birthday party...
The definition of rainbow baby that I found and wanted to share:

"Rainbow Babies" is the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it doesn't mean the storm never happened or that the family is not still dealing with its aftermath. What it means is that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness and clouds. Storm clouds may still hover but the rainbow provides a counterbalance of color, energy and hope.

Campbell is such a blessing to us and we love her so much. The rainbow theme just seemed fitting!
Thank you to the ever amazing Aunt Casey who took these awesome pictures capturing the best day!

I was going to add captions, but I think the pictures speak for themselves! We are so blessed!


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