
16 Months...

Miss Priss…

Today, you are 16 months old. Here are my favorite things this month:

You are hilarious. You do things that just crack yourself up, as well as everyone else around you. I get plenty of laughs in! 

I love how we stop anything that we are doing just to dance to the "Hotdog Song" on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 

I especially love when I put you to bed at night and we sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" together….you just sing your little heart out…not quite sure what words you are saying, but you love to sing with momma! 

You continue to say more and more. This weekend at the lake, you said Mo and Poppy…poor Grammy and Grandpa…but Mo is so similar to no, and Poppy and puppy are very close too, and those are words you say often! 

You love to wave and say hello (heyo) and bye bye ALL THE TIME! It sure is sweet. 

This last month you have gotten your 3rd bottom tooth, and are working on the 4th. Plus, a few more I think. You have such swollen gums, and you use your finger as your teether. 

You continue to enjoy reading. I need to find you some more books with big busy and colorful pages…one we can point every little thing out! 

You love to play with your pots and pans and utensils so much more. We stir and stir and stir and then drink whatever you are making.

You have a new found love for shoes. You want to put them on yourself, and Mommy, and Daddy…and wear our shoes…

You also like to put on all pieces of clothing when Mommy is doing laundry. You just might like to put my underwear around your neck…silly girl!

Your favorite song these days besides the hotdog song, is Old MacDonald...you say EEIIOOOO...oh my gosh, cutest thing!

I love our morning cuddles…just you and me, and maybe some Mickey! 

I love your open mouth kisses! 

I also love when you put your head on my shoulder. You do it when I pick you up from daycare, when you are feeling bad, when you are tired, or sometimes just because you want to love on mommy! 

I just love you to pieces baby girl! Yes…I will continue to call you that! My heart is so full when I look at you…what a precious blessing you are!

Yes, it's blurry, but that is my silly girl!


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