
Lately...and a 30 week update with baby #2

Well, the days/weeks are just flying by here. It's hard to believe I'm 30 weeks with baby girl #2 (well tomorrow I will be). And have yet to do anything. I guess that's totally 2nd child syndrome. I have grand plans...mostly for a big girl room for Campbell. That way we can give baby girl her nursery. I wish I could quit calling her baby girl and give her a name already...I'm really loving one name right now, but haven't gotten any official approval from her daddy...story of my life!

We are also prepping for Campbell's big 2nd birthday! In 2 1/2 weeks I will have a 2 year old...aaaahhhh!!!! So hard to believe! We are keeping things simple with a Minnie Mouse, family party, and she's gonna love every minute of it! We keep talking about her birthday and she's already pointed out a minnie tricycle that she wants....a girl down the street has one. So, looks like that's what mommy and daddy are gonna get her.

We've also been dealing with a little sickness with her this past weekend. She seems much better this week though. I'm thankful Daddy was here to help. He's been traveling and is planning another quick trip soon. I know he's trying to get it all done before I'm so close to having his second baby girl.

A little about the little lady growing in my tummy. She's got the hiccups like 5 times a day. A lot of the times it's when I'm eating, but dang, those hiccups can be annoying. I'm hoping she won't have them that bad outside of the womb. She also is quite the mover and squirmer. I guess she's taking advantage of it while she still has room left. She's probably about 3 pounds and 16 inches long according to my babycenter calendar; like a head of cabbage. I had my glucose test a few weeks ago and passed with flying colors, but was told to take some extra iron because I was low....which isn't a surprise, I've always been a little anemic and was with Campbell too.

I'm feeling pretty good still. I'm having to tell Cam I can't carry her as much anymore. I know it's bad for me and baby and it could put me into preterm labor and that's not something we want. She's not too happy about it though, and sometimes I do give in...but Daddy has been really good getting her when he's around. I have plenty of Braxton Hicks contractions...and I feel them more when I know I haven't had enough water to drink. I have to get better at that. I feel huge, but I guess what pregnant woman doesn't?! I'm excited for the weekend of Cam's birthday because we are going to have a 3D/4D ultrasound. My heartburn is outrageous. I feel like I have it after every meal...so all day long. And tums just isn't cutting it anymore. I have been taking a zantac every night...so I will be expecting this baby girl to have as much if not more hair than her sister did!

Enough of that. I hope you all have a great week. And just to put it out there, I am praying for all the victims and families affected by the bombing in Boston. This is/was the work of the enemy. But we all have to know that GOD has already won and overcome. He is always there for us in times like these. I pray our nation can come together under His great name and praise Him through this storm. I pray for peace and healing for these families and all of those now living in fear across the country. We as Christians need to be a light to those in fear. We CANNOT live in fear, we can't hide away in our homes and never leave. We can't shield our children from every little thing. We have to live the life God gave us. He knows His ultimate plan for us. He knows what our futures hold. He wants us to live a life of joy and be His light and love in this world. And so with that I am going to continue to pray for Boston and those affected all over the country...and those in need...and give the rest to God. He's got this people!