
Callan - Two Months Old

Well, here we are again. My littlest love is now two months old. She is such a sweet baby. These last few weeks she has started smiling and cooing. Those baby grins just melt me. Nothing will make a momma feel better than her baby girl smiling at her. Even her big sister will melt my heart with her gorgeous smile! Daddy says their smiles are contagious...he smiles every time they smile at him! It's so true.

Callan at 2 months old: 

Weight: 13 lb 14 oz (95th %)
Height: 22.8 inches (67th %)
Head: 15.5 inches (83rd %)

You are wearing size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes. You are super chunky, bigger than your sister was at this age. You have slept 8+ hours for 3 or 4 nights and have slept 5-6 hours at night for a few weeks now. You are enjoying more play time on your owl playmat. I've been trying desperately to get you to take a pacifier. Mostly you won't take it...I've only been successful a handful of times. Also, you are refusing a bottle pretty much these days....which stresses me out a bit. You had been taking one so well. You like to nap in mommy's arms...and I'm soaking it in when I can. This month we plan on moving you into your crib...hard to believe it's already time to put the bassinet away. We have had some rough hours almost daily. Just fussy time. It's hard to not be able to comfort you. I wish you were better at self-soothing. I'm getting ready to go back to work in a few weeks. Just a couple shifts a month will be my new schedule, so I'm kinda getting the best of both worlds. I get to be a 95% stay at home mommy and get to keep up with my nursing license. It's pretty much God showing favor. I am so blessed!


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