
Callan Blair - 7 month update

Yesterday, my sweet sweet littlest turned 7 months old. I am in awe everyday at what she's learned or is doing. She is quite the roller....can get just about anywhere she wants to right now, so crawling doesn't interest her just yet. She has the sweetest smile and giggle. Her big sister and daddy are pros at making her laugh. She's still quite the momma's girl. She wears mostly 12 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and fills out every bit of them. She has rolls for days, but who doesn't love a chunky baby! She is sitting up very well, but can't sit herself up on her own from lying down. Still no teeth. Loves her jumper. Is interacting more with her toys. She can play by herself for quite a while which makes it nice for me, but once she's done...oh she lets me know. She can scream....boy can she scream. She is quite the drama queen. Can sleep through the night, but most nights doesn't choose to. She's eating lots of fruits and veggies. Her favorites so far include squash, sweet potato, and carrots... She still loves the cereal. Would rather have it mixed with cereal than alone...so we are trying to work on that. She has tried puffs  and really likes them, but needs to practice still. She also is getting better with the sippy cup that we introduced last month. She enjoys swinging at the park when the weather is nice. And almost always falls asleep in the car...but only when it's moving. She has gorgeous dark blue eyes and kissable chubby cheeks. More and more people are noticing that she looks like her daddy, which I tend to agree, especially through her eyes, but she still resembles her big sister so so much! Her smile can light up and room and make that bad day just melt away. She can be so serious, and her eyes and eyebrows show everything that she's thinking. When she wants to, she can babble and tell a whole story! Last month she said mama, I know, probably not meaning mommy, but she did pronounce it...she is also saying bababababa a lot this month. She is so active, hardly sits still....puts everything in her mouth, and is just pure joy! I'm thankful for this one.


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