
we're expecting...

yes! we are expecting, but most of you already knew that! i am trying to take it all in and really understand everything. this is something that i've wanted for a long time, and now it's my turn. it's a little surreal, but along with baby has come my reality of congestion, runny nose, and coughing. i'm wondering if this is going to be my morning sickness!?!?! i might be ok with that. no one likes nausea and puking.
on the other hand i have to say thanks to all of you who have prayed and continue to pray for me and jacob during this time! God has been so faithful and his timing incredible. i received a picture frame from jacob's mom, suzanne in the mail yesterday! it has the perfect words, and theme i want to use for this tiny precious baby growing inside me...
                                         ...FOR THIS CHILD WE PRAY...

i know that this baby is a gift from God and i want jacob and myself to start now praying for him/her. i pray for a healthy pregnancy and birth for myself and the baby, i pray that God grants us peace during this time of becoming new parents, i pray his protection and security upon baby m, and i pray that our lives as well as the baby's will glorify our Lord! there are so many other things that i pray, but you get the idea. i'm sooooo stinkin' excited.

i will have more updates as this new life is forming! on another hand, i start my new job on Monday! this is a time of great joy and lots of change! but i couldn't be more thrilled about it. aunt casey already has some cool ideas for baby m's first photo shoot!!! i love that we have a professional photographer in the family! and aunt dav can't wait to start on the nursery once we find out if baby m is a boy or girl!!! i'm blessed to have such talented, creative people on both sides of our family!

man, life is really good!


  1. Holy Moly, I'm gonna be an AUNT! So cool!!! :)
    Love you guys and already love baby MC more than is even possible! Praying for all the things you mentioned before and so much more!
    P.S. How did Duke take the news?

  2. why am I just now finding your blog?! love it!

  3. We are so excited for you and Jacob and us too! We know you will be great parents. Baby Mc has been in our prayers for a long time and will be for a long time to come. Can't to wait to be "Grandma" and "Grandpa"! lol
    We love you and Jacob and Baby Mc,
    Mom & Dad

  4. How exciting! Congratulations to you both!!
