
4 cherished months

To my sweet Campbell Grace,

This week you turned 4 months old. It was a rough week for the both of us. You were really sick and had your first fever for 4 days. We made a couple trips to the doctor and you didn't even get your shots because you were too sick. It was so hard for Mommy to see you this sick. You didn't want to eat, had a hard time sleeping, unless you were in my arms, and just felt awful. There were no smiles and you hardly made any noises except to cry. You became so weak and it just broke our hearts. We know this is only the first sickness of many in your life, but we know that it is good for you to develop your immune system. It's still no fun though. 

Lately you have been sticking your tongue out, making this "bitter beer face", haha, and also making squirting noises with your lips. We haven't seen any teeth yet, but have been curious if they might be there ready to come in at any time with all the gumming you have been doing. 

You have started playing in your jumper. You love to stand up when we hold you in our laps. Daddy calls you his little ballerina, because your legs are always crossed and you stand on your tip toes. 

You still only roll from side to side, but don't have any interest in rolling over it seems. We have to be patient, you will do it when you are ready, but we do work with you everyday, trying to get you to do it. Dr. G says it shouldn't be long. 

You have been grabbing and holding onto toys longer. Especially your rattles, you shake them and occasionally hit yourself in the face when you get a little crazy. On your tummy, you reach for and push your toys around. 

Since you have been so sick, you have NOT been sleeping through the night. And since you have had a cold/illness for what feels like a month now, it has been hard on Mommy getting up with you at least 2 times a night. I'm hoping this is just a phase and part of the being sick and stuffy. We have had a humidifier going in your room every night to help you breathe. I'm praying you start sleeping ALL night again soon! Our routine has been so off, so it's time to get back to it. 

Speaking of sleep, you are still putting yourself to sleep at night, praise the Lord. You talk and play with your Glowworm and love the look at the mobile I made you as you drift off to sleep.

You are still wearing size 2 diapers and 3-6/6 month clothes. You are 14 lb 8 oz (Mommy was a whole pound heavier at this age, 75%) and 25 inches long (80-90%). 

You have been doing better and better each week at the daycare. Last week you were there, you took two 1 hour naps...previously you would have a few catnaps up to 30 minutes each...and you were exhausted by the end of the day. You also are taking your bottles well for them! 

I'm sure I could go on and on about all the things you amaze us with everyday. We are so lucky to be your mommy and daddy! You are one loved baby girl. It's hard to believe it's September...in just 3 short months you will be having your very first Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. I can't wait for that, but really I can, because I am cherishing every single day with you. You are growing so fast. 

All my love, 


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