
Callan Blair - 6 months old...1/2 year birthday

I took all these pics Tuesday, but didn't get around to putting together a post. Between the 6 month visit with Dr. G, and a sickly baby, we cuddled and just hung out, the two of us. It was such a sweet day. I love having both my girls home, but at the stage Campbell is, there's not stopping to just enjoy my littlest love.

Tuesday, I made a point to take some pics of her and just remember how she is right now. I can hardly believe she is half a year old already. She is just a sweet girl that still loves her momma. She only has eyes for me most days. She will laugh hysterically at daddy, but she just melts in my arms and I'm pretty much just taking it all in.

Callan woke up with a stuffy/snotty nose Monday morning, but she still acted fine most of the day. The night though was a different story. She was up every couple of hours, and yesterday morning she had a slight fever. We still went in to her well check and just didn't get her shots. She still was happy after some tylenol and food...as the pictures below show.

Callan Blair's 6 month stats:
Weight: 18 lbs 14 oz (89%).
Height: 27.5 inches (96%).
Size 9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers.

Callan is hard to contain these days! She's rolling everywhere. She's never where I left her. She still loves the jumper and sometimes that's the only way I can keep her happy. She is still only sitting supported. She will sit for a few seconds by herself and then topples over. 

She's got the chunkiest thighs and chubbiest cheeks. She is so sweet and I spend most of my days smiling at and kissing on her! Callan is eating solids too! She's tried apples, pears, prunes, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, and bananas, along with her rice cereal and oatmeal. Her favorite so far is squash, but she has eaten everything! So far, she isn't very picky! I knew it was time to start more food when she would fuss when we sat down to eat and we didn't have anything for her. She likes to sit at the table with us. It won't be long and I will be feeding her off my plate....nooooo....

Callie is still not a great sleeper. She's up at least once a night, but usually twice. I'm needing some strength as I guess we will be letting her cry it out. Not sure what else to do. This is all new to me, as Campbell was sleeping through the night very early on.

Callan is such a sweet baby. I love her raspy voice...it's a sound I never want to forget. I'm excited to watch her during her first Christmas! So many memories to be made.

You have stolen my heart baby girl!
Love, Momma


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