
Our love is 5 months old!

Well, another month has flown by and our sweet girl is 5 months old. I have been loving the past few weeks with my girl and know it's only going to get more and more fun! She is busy and happy most of the time! I am truly blessed to be her momma!

Here's what she has been up to lately...

Not sure on height or weight, we get that next month...but she is still in size 2 diapers, size 3 at night! She wears anything from 3-6 months, 6 months, or 6-9/12 months depending on brand.

She still loves bath time and is all over the place when it comes to sleeping...sometimes it's all night, sometimes we get up once a night anytime from 2-4 usually, but I'm not complaining. I love our sweet quiet times, I know it won't be long and they will be gone...

Campbell is still eating cereal...we started oatmeal on her 5 month birthday and she LOVED it. I think it's much better than the rice cereal...I am so excited for her to start real foods next month. I bet she will love it.

C still takes morning naps and is non consistent on her afternoon ones. Sometimes they are 2 hours, sometimes 30 minutes. At daycare, she is only taking short catnaps throughout the day.

She is super content. She goes with the flow and will go just about anywhere I take her with a smile. I get so many compliments on how happy she is.

We have been loving the way she talks and giggles and smiles so much. It is just infectious. She can melt my heart with one grin and make my bad day go away.

She is enjoying her jumper and has figured out how to actually jump in it. It can keep her preoccupied for a pretty long time, thank goodness (especially when I need to get things done)!

She still doesn't really care for a pacifier, but her fingers have been doing the job just fine. She's not a big thumb sucker or sucker period to soothe or calm herself.

Our sweet girl continues to amaze us everyday, and everyday I'm so thankful that God allows me to take care of her and be her mom. I am continually reminded how faithful our Lord is and in her face I see so much hope and joy and peace and love.

We are so proud of you baby girl!
~Mommy and Daddy



  1. love this post! such a precious precious girl who is SO loved! Love seeing all these pictures!

  2. What a good looking family! Love, love, love to see pics of our sweet girl. Mom/Grammy
