
...quiet time...

The past two mornings I have woken up a little after 7, just waiting on Campbell to wake up. And the past two mornings she has slept until a little after 9...it's 9 this morning and she's still sleeping. This has been so great for me. I truly think the Lord has His hand in this. You see, my quiet time with him has been pretty non-existent these days. There's no excuse...I have just found other, far less important things to occupy my mind and time. These past two mornings, I have been able to read my devotionals, bible, and pray and pour my heart out. It's been very healing and apparently just what I needed. God giving me these extra moments every morning in my day has filled a big void that has been there for a long time. I know my days are numbered when it comes to having this time...especially with a new baby on the way, but I feel like He is giving me this time because it's what I NEED. I NEED this time with Him daily to be a better mom and wife and daughter and sister and friend. I NEED this time to hear what He wants to tell me. I NEED this time to be still and listen. I NEED this time to learn and grow. I NEED this time to talk with my friend. And I am so thankful for this time. I'm so thankful for the holy spirit pushing me to pick up those books and read; to talk with God. If and when Cam starts waking up earlier, I have decided to make it a priority for me to continue to spend this time with the Lord...whether that means I set an early alarm, wake up when Jacob kisses me good-bye every morning, or just making her stay in bed for a few minutes longer while I drink my coffee and spend precious time with Jesus. It is the sweetest time. I pray I can continue it, as well as improve my walk with Him through it. I also encourage you to spend your quiet time with Him. And learn and listen and actually HEAR what He's trying to tell you. He is so faithful to us! And I am feeling the grace and mercy he's giving to me through this precious time even though I have been absent and lost in my daily walk with him. I believe He will use this time to reveal things to me that I have been trying to decide on my own. I believe that He will show me the way I need to go...and how to be ultimately a better wife and mom to my girls.


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