
Campbell Grace is TWO!

I'm not sure how two years has flown by so quickly! Definitely the best, and sometimes, most challenging two years of my life. This sweet girl made me a mommy. I couldn't ask for anything more. I absolutely love the little girl she is becoming; sassiness, occasional meltdowns, and all. Most days are great! Lots of hugs, kisses, laughs, grins, playing, exploring, and talking.

Some things I want to remember from her first two years:

~ Campbell still loves Mickey Mouse and Bubble Guppies. She is also a big Cinderella fan, as well as Nemo.

~ She is very easily wearing 2T clothes...occasionally 3T shirts just because she is so tall. We will go Tuesday for her 2 year checkup and all her stats!

~ She has 16 teeth.

~ Her favorite place to be is OUTSIDE! I've been very thankful for beautiful weather lately. It won't be long before her baby sister is here and it's just way too hot outside.

~ Campbell is quite the book reader. She could sit on the couch for a pretty long time with a pile of books in her lap. She also loves to flip through the pages like a deck of cards, from back to front. It cracks me up...and can make for a long process of reading a book to her.

~ Cami can say her alphabet...and her numbers 1-10...and on to almost 20...although there are some occasional mess ups. She also is very keen on her colors and shapes. School has been very beneficial to her.

~ I have a lot of people tell me how well she talks for 2. And she does! Sometimes it's already too much, but most of the time it is in the cutest little voice and makes me smile! It's nice that she can communicate what she wants and needs and feels these days. She also can be very polite...saying please, thank you, you're welcome, and bless you :)

~ I can't wait to see how she transitions to her role as a big sister. It is 7-8 short weeks away. And we have lots to do to get ready for it, but I know we will all survive and make it work somehow.

~ C is a pretty good eater and a wonderful sleeper! I couldn't ask for better!

~ Campbell loves her daddy! Sometimes the best parts of my day are when I get to watch those two interact. She laughs more than anything when her daddy is around. They have a sweet, special relationship! She loves to "RAAWWWRR" at him and scare him. They also play lots of hide and seek as well as chase! I'm so thankful she has such a great daddy and I have such a good man to raise our girls with!

I'm sure I'm missing lots of things I want to remember, but I'm thankful to have this blog to look back on!

I'm so blessed by this little girl! I remember 2 years ago being so anxious to meet her and the overwhelming joy I felt the first time I saw her face! And now I'm getting ready to meet her little sister... I have to enjoy every moment with C while she's my only one! It has just gone too fast!


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