
my angel...

I received the most amazing gift today from a dear, sweet friend, Heather! I met Heather and her husband, Jason, on their first day at our church, Providence. They also are in our homegroup as well, and our friendship has been so amazing. I love how the Lord puts people in our lives at the right time. I believe that Heather and Jason were totally given to us by the Lord!
I mentioned one Sunday to Heather about how much I loved her necklace. This was right after we found out that we lost our baby. In her thoughtfulness of me and my already deep love I had for my child, she gave me her necklace with a few additions...I cannot explain what wearing these necklaces will mean to me. While it doesn't replace my baby, it does help me heal and be proud to say I have an angel baby in Heaven! Thank you so much Heather!!! This gift means the world to me. I love you!

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

This first necklace was the one she was actually wearing at church, she added the sweet charm with the date I miscarried and the word angel. So sweet. 

This second necklace she made with a little bit bigger charm, same wording, but alone, so I could wear it whenever I wanted. I have a feeling one of them will always be on me!

I've prayed about posting the events of the actual day I miscarried. Right now, I feel that it is still too hard for me to completely write out. I still have nightmares of that horrible night. It was a night when I was all alone, scared, confused, and devastated. That night turned into an early morning...so technically the date on the necklace could be the 25th or the 26th. I'm pretty sure I knew most of the day on the 25th I was losing the baby, but not until that night did I physically miscarry. I was in the ER from about 1:30 am - 4:30 am on the 26th. So I consider the last day with my baby to be the 25th. That day will forever be a sad day for me...

But for now, I am so thankful to Heather who has given me such a sweet reminder of my precious one. My angel baby will forever be in my heart, and now around my neck for others to see! 

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