
2 Months

Well, I can't believe today is July 6, 2011, and my baby girl is 2 months old. She's growing like a little weed! She's happy and healthy and we couldn't be more blessed!

We had to go to Dr. G's office today, and most of it was fun, except those dreaded shots. Campbell cried and then mommy cried...it's crazy, being a nurse I should be used to it, right? Well I can give shots all day long, but when it came to my own baby girl, I saw the sad sad look on her face and teared up. She only cried for a few seconds and stopped as soon as I picked her up and loved on her. She was so brave and did so incredibly good! Dr. G. is happy with her growth and development! She's a good baby. We have to work on her taking a bottle and her schedule of laying down to go to sleep still awake. She's pretty good at her Eat, Play, Sleep schedule, which is a plus! Dr. G. told me not to stress about the bottle. He said I can go on strike with her. He said usually if she hasn't eaten in 2 feedings, she will take it (the bottle) on the 3rd one. He said a few days of this and she should be taking a bottle just fine. Davney said Ellary was the same way and she eventually lost her attitude! I love it, hopefully Campbell will lose it soon. Mommy has to go back to work in a little over 3 weeks :(

Here's the stats on our little Miss:

Weight: 12lbs 12oz (95%)
Height: 23 inches (75-90%)
Head: 15 inches (50%)

We go back in 2 months! Yay for a growing, healthy, and content baby girl!

first pic of the day :)

happy 2 month old!

didn't have much luck with our 2 month pics

mommy and campbell at dr. g's office

waiting on dr. g to check us out!

so happy daddy could come to the dr with us

poor baby...2 shots (4 total vaccines) and 1 oral vaccine

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Campbell and Mommy! You survived your first shots!!!! She just gets cuter and cuter!!

    Lynds....we feel the same way about your family: blessed. :)
