
I did it! Here's my story...

I finally did it! My story was just posted on the Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope website. I found this site just right after I miscarried when I was trying to find support and other stories of loss. This website was a huge blessing to me. I have been approached by more than one person about my loss and how my words have encouraged them. Jacob told me the day after our loss that God was going to use this horrible experience for His good. He has given me the chance to share my story with others and show them that He is the ultimate comforter and healer! 

I don't claim the diagnosis of "miscarriage" over my life because I serve a God who is so much bigger than that. I do however put a face to the loss we experienced, the pain and the suffering. It was real and it was a huge part of my life. And I'm so thankful for the story of hope and redemption that has come from the brokenness.

Here is my story!

Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5c

And here is a face of hope, joy, love, sweet redemption, grace, mercy...the list could go on and on! 

Oh how I love this girl!


1 comment:

  1. I love you and our 2 babies! You are a strong woman and I'm so proud of you. I know part of your strength comes from Jacob. I am thankful he is part of our family. Campbell is a lucky girl to have such Godly parents. Mom
