
11 weeks

Wow, 11 weeks has flown by. I'm so overwhelmed by the changes we are about to encounter in a little over a week...but we will be fine. I have to keep reminding myself that it will all be ok! A good friend reminded me yesterday that "one of the best things I've learned from working away from home, even just 3 days a week, is that it makes you value your time with your babies SO much more... It's good for both of you, even when it's hard."  

So miss Campbell Grace is 11 weeks old today. This week we have worked extra hard and she is finally getting the hang of the bottle. PRAISE THE LORD! My stress level has decreased so much! I have come to realize that she will cry and scream if she really doesn't want it, or will only take an ounce or two at a time and not a whole bottle, ALL of which is fine with me. I know she isn't starving and she is happy, playing, and napping just fine like that. So far she has taken the bottle from me, Aunt Dav, and Jacob. This weekend she is staying with Grammy and Grandpa for a few hours, so I hope she cooperates and takes one or two from them as well! She is even taking a pacifier more as well! Mostly she just wants to drool and suck on her hands or whatever she can get to her mouth!

I am kinda sad, because my baby is no longer a newborn. She truly is growing and developing so fast. She wants to sit up, not on her own, but she tries so hard to. I have found her slumped over in her swing because she pulled herself forward and couldn't sustain it...so scary and sad, but accomplishing at the same time. She wants to stand when you hold her out in front of you. She has some chubby, but super strong legs! She is smiling and cooing more and more.

I took her to dinner the other night with some of the girls from work, most of who hadn't met her yet. I was so blessed, and they were all like she is such a good baby! She hardly cried...only when she was getting tired. She let everyone hold her and played in her carseat so I could eat most of my meal! I loved it! And I do love showing her off! She is the highlight of my life and we are so proud to be her parents.

What else, I'm trying to think of all the new things my girl does these days. I'm happy to have this blog so I can use it to go back when I finally decide on a baby book for her. I know, I'm a bad mom because I don't even have a baby book yet for my girl. I just was not impressed by the ones in a few of the stores. I think I will end up getting one off of Etsy. I just need to do IT! I do have one of those calendars though, so at least I can document things on there as well.

I guess that's all I know for now. I did get my hair cut and colored yesterday, and now I feel like a new woman! My next goal is to start working out again and lose a little more weight. I am already back to my pre-pregnancy weight which is awesome, considering I haven't done anything different from when I was pregnant except nurse Campbell. I guess I need to start my Jillian Micheals DVD again since there's no way I'm working out outside in the heat. I really need some motivation to do it though. Yuck, I hate getting started. It always feels wonderful once I do it, but it's painful and so hard to start! We'll see if it actually happens...

Alright, love to everyone. Hopefully I will get a pic of my girl with me and my new hair! It's shorter than I thought it would be, but it will grow and it feels amazing! Plus I added a few feathers to my hair too! Jacob isn't impressed, haha, but there's not much that DOES impress him!



  1. YAY Campbell! Coming along on the bottle!

    You are such a great mom, Lynds! So blessed to have you as my friend!

    ...if it makes you feel any better, I think I filled out 5 pages of LK's baby book. Much easier just to blog. :)

  2. I meant EVERY word when I said that! God is faithful ALL of the time and He will be with you both every minute you are away from each other :) Love to you!
