
Thankful, days 8-10

Nov. 8- On this day I was/am thankful for the career I have as a pediatric nurse. I love taking care of kids and seeing the smiles on their faces! I am also thankful to my precious hubby for letting me only work 2 days a week so I can stay home with my girl...(more on that later down the page)! I am constantly reminded during my work hours how IN CONTROL God is....if I'm taking care of a 5 year old getting his tonsils out or an 18 year old who blew out her knee playing basketball...He is always in control, and he heals, and knows our futures!

Nov. 9- I am incredibly thankful for the girls who take care of Campbell while I have to work. 9 times out of 10 she is smiling and giggling when I pick her up! They truly enjoy her while she is there and she is taken good care of. It's never fun to have to leave your baby, but when it's with people who love on her, it's a little better :)

Nov. 10- Today, especially, I am so so thankful for the days I get to stay home and be with my baby girl! Days like these make me appreciate my mom, and grandmother! Being a mom is the best thing in the world! And watching your baby change and learn and grow right in front of your eyes is truly amazing! Once again, God is amazing, and babies are miracles and ultimately BLESSINGS!

Enjoy these pics that Casey took while she was here a few weeks ago. I love all the JOY I see in these pics!

(by the way...hate the quality that blogger makes these photos look...they are amazing, sorry Case...)


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